Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Mish Mash

Gretch and I went out for Thai tonight and discussed our future. This means that we did a lot of dreaming and didn't really pin down a plan. We are at a crossroads. She went to see the tax man today and he is also a financial planner. He discouraged an overpriced condo on the lake. He backed G's plan of staying where we are, paying it off, and retiring early.
We also discussed ways in which I could find more time to write. Not only on the blog, but an actual story or two. I have some good excuses for this week. I got a new cell phone and I have been downloading ring tones, taking pictures, and sending flirtatious, sexual text messages to G. Took awhile to learn how to do it all. I can just imagine our next cell bill.
Anyway, the Weeble story.... I showed Gretch a picture of the weebles that were on the website, but they weren't the right ones. Her ex had the classic ones. For crying out loud... I have to find the right ones. I am actually into this, because we had some weebles when we were kids. The ex had a big weeble collection to display. Seriously, a deal breaker don't you think?
Lets just say I am having some creative difficulties here.


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