It turned out to be a great day. We were up and out early for the bike ride this morning. G&T did a great job with the fifteen mile ride. I ended up doing the five alone because the little one wimped out. I thought about not going, but decided what the heck, why not go by myself. It was sunny and 75 along the lake and the water was a shimmering silver. I took my time and felt lucky to live here for once with the beautiful day.
We all went to lunch after listening to music for awhile. Afterward, G got back to studying while I finished a book.
It ended up being a really hot day and we decided to cool off tonight by going to get some ice cream and then by taking a drive along the lake front on the south side. We got out several times to look at the view of the city from the banks of the south shore. It was amazing that twelve hours earlier I was biking the paths that we were looking at in the distance. It seems like it was such a long day, but in a good way.
On our drive, G and I decided we could strengthen our relationship by connecting in a way that we haven't yet. We decided that because we both like to write, we would take an experience and write about it from our own point of view. Like tonight for instance, we talked about the cast of characters that came into the ice cream shop. G said she could write a great short story on the lives of these people. I thought that was a great idea. So, after this test is over we are going to try this concept. G also promised to read a book with me so we can discuss it, and perhaps even take a class together.
I remember the feelings of a new relationship, how everything is wonderful and you can't wait to be with the person and experience firsts. Then real life sets in with a set of problems to be solved and you have to make sure things don't get stale and boring. I so want this test out of the way so we can have some fun.
Last night G found a a great deal on the internet for cheap airfare and a hotel in New Orleans for Labor Day. I talked her out of it. Her finger was on the send button. I want to focus a little more on the condo, or perhaps in moving and although the trip would be wonderful, we already have New Years plans for N.O. and so I felt it was not a good decision.
I hope I can wind down and sleep tonight. It is a full day of work tomorrow and I am in summer mode already. Two and a half days.
I am excited and extremely sad too.
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