Banished to the bedroom again. Ok, maybe not entirely, but everytime I am out there I feel the need to make comments and G puts up with it and then I feel guilty. As this month progresses it will get worse. It will be until lunch today, meaning around 11:30. I have been in here since 8.
We still don't know where the test site will be. It is supposed to be in the Chicago area. She wanted to wait for confirmation before booking a room, but now the room prices have skyrocketed. Unfortunately, it is ALA weekend in Chicago. My best friend, who is a law librarian wanted me to go. I probably should be networking and all that jazz, but I promised I would go and visit my family that weekend. That way, G has the weekend completely alone to study and I am visiting the family. Killing the two proverbial birds. Makes sense, but it really doesn't.
Does it ever.
Yesterday we finally bought the flowers for the balcony. It looks really nice out there now. The weather has been much better and I will soon be spending free time out there typing away, or reading. I also bought flowers so the boys could help me plant them at there house. We had a cook out yesterday and that was accomplished. Their foreign exchange student is leaving in two weeks. He is very unhappy about going back. Yesterday in the news there were reports that thousands of South Korean students were protesting against the Untited States. You usually see that from North Korea. When we pointed it out to him, he was apologetic and went on a Korean site to read what it was about. He explained that people have no idea about America. They read news and then they condemn. He said he loves it here and never would do such a thing. It is all about condemning a nation and not realizing that everyday people are not making policy.
I think the foreign exchange program is good and promotes harmony. He will go back and tell his family and friends about the real people living every day life here. He has made lots of friends, went to two proms, and lived like an American teenager for a year. When he gets home he is required to join the army and guard the border for two years. All young men must do it. He is very unhappy about this. He would do anything to stay here. My friends are about ready for him to leave though. They are a young family and they are all in bed really early and Ming G is very much into going out all the time. They drive him everywhere at all hours of the day and night and it is getting difficult. If he could drive it would be different, but the constant activity is about to drive them crazy. They are already coaching soccer (mom) and little league (dad) for the boys and with a two year old it is a little much. Over all it was a great experience for them all. The baby thinks she has three brothers. She won't understand when he is not there and then after awhile she won't remember him. Such is life.
I guess I will clean the condo. We are having G's mom over for dinner tonight and it is not presentable at this moment. I wish I had an ipod.
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