Friday, June 03, 2005

Could they make a more toxic salad? That would be the new fruit and walnut salad at McDonald's. The three things that would put me into anaphylactic shock the quickest way possible and they put them all together in one dish. Apples, Walnuts, Grapes. Guess if the stress gets to be too much I can head on over and end it all with a salad.

I have definitely gain some weight since February. It is the old process of making myself feel better with eating. It is not without guilt because everyone seems to be on a health food kick and in incredibly weird places.
Last weekend we were at the stadium for the baseball game and we got some hotdogs and beer and found our seats. We had to squeeze past this very tiny couple on the end of the row and then sit next to them. They ate and drank nothing through the first 5 innings while we happily added peanuts and G more beer. Shortly after, G whispered, "they just took out a granola bar." Sure enough, I slightly turn and the woman is breaking off pieces of granola. They didn't even have two, they split it and never did drink anything. Ok, I am sorry, perhaps a yoga retreat or something, but major league baseball???


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