I guess I wasn't so far off when I started with anxiety this morning. Didn't take long for the day to take a dive. Seems I have this parent stalker. I am not even kidding. I noticed the lurking all last week, and then today a note appears on my desk.
People, if you want to watch me teach kindly take a seat. Don't hover around outside the door and think I don't see what you are doing.
Kindly fuck right off!
Seems sonny boy IS missing out by not attending my class in lieu of music lessons. Now I am to paraphrase what I do and hand it in.
Again, kindly fuck right off!
Do you go to the math person and say that to them.
Anyway, I had this whole speech prepared, but she came up to me while I had other kids in. I don't think she liked what I said. Beat a path right to the boss.
Oh well, only 30 years to go.
In other news, G and I have decided to go back to eating dinner at the table on a regular basis. We got into the habit of eating in front of the t.v.
That can be a relationship killer. This last week we sat and talked for over and hour and I feel have gotten a lot closer. We have made a pact that we can only be couch potatoes when we order pizza.
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