I did a ton of pondering about the meaning of my existence yet again this weekend.
I feel like I am not accomplishing anything of greatness.
Last night we saw a foreign film called Born into Brothels. This woman took two years of her life and went to teach photography to the children in the red light district of Calcutta. How selfless is that.
Another thing to ponder... I need to figure out how to get more free time. I haven't had a day off since July and I think some of this stress is causing my stomach to ache. I worry I am not doing the right thing by taking this time off.
I put in to much time at a place I shouldn't really care about anymore.
In the morning I have to meet my book group. I have to tell them not to even bother getting the book. We did decided to do Haunted by Palahniuk. After reading the first 60 pages I realized it is in my best interest to stop them from getting the book. They can't handle it. Ugh...back to the religious books.
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