Ahh, 4 day weekend. I am happy to relax. We are going to Madison for the day on Saturday and Sunday we are going to the baseball game. We have tickets even though they have lost 12 out of the last 13 games. I have to admit, it is rather boring to just watch the game, but the new stadium we have is very nice and we go have drinks at Fridays, and just sit in the sun and take in the very few great days we have. Half the time I couldn't tell you who even won. Tailgating is the fun part about it. You tell people from other places that you are grilling brats in the parking lot before the game and they look at you like you have three head.
I met the Korean student tonight. He seems to really like the family. He is registered as a Senior, but he is only 16. I guess a listerv my friend is on asked for someone temporary to help out, but after getting to know him they want him to stay. I think it is going to be incredible work and an extra expense, but worth it in the end. The boys really love having him around. They were all out playing soccer tonight. I guess he was on a team in Korea and will try out for the soccer team at school.
Today he got off the bus in the wrong neighborhood. He asked people to help him and they were very good about figuring out where he was supposed to be. He knows little English. I would be so homesick, but he is extremely happy and continues to thank them for letting him stay.
I went to Germany for two weeks in high school and the first part was a family stay. I cried the whole first day and only lightened up the last two days. The family spoke not one word of English and I wasn't at the top of my German class either. I can't imagine at that age being away for a year and living so differently.
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