Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Family hysterics can sure kill an evening. Yet again we were forced to listen to the continuing saga of G's family. I felt sorry for G because this included picking up the niece and making dinner for everyone. This was not something we planned after the already stress filled weekend. Nutshell: sister marries loser and has baby. Loser moves them to Kansas where his family lives. Loser makes life unbearable because of many children he already has living with him. Sister can't take it but is stuck. They divorce and sister and baby can move back here if she signs away that loser doesn't have to pay money. Fast forward 11 years. Sister takes guy back to court as she is in desperate need of money. Judge finds that not only will she get nothing, she must pay the loser back any money he has ever used to buy daughter anything, including the plane trips to see him in the summer. By signed documentation he shall not pay a penny for his daughter. Let the hysterics begin. What a man he is. Where is the common sense??? It always comes back to this. By the way, this was a woman judge.

Can we just get rid of sleeping, it doesn't work.


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