Saturday, May 22, 2004

I took some pics yesterday of some of my library displays. Mostly because I need ideas for the future and I tend to forget what I have done. The other reason is that the library will be moved to another room in a few weeks. It is small, we are private, but it is something I put together over ten years and I am proud of what I accomplished. We will be putting the collection online this summer which means the horrible outdated card catalog will cease to exist. G is working on the pics and I will try my new found abilities at posting later this weekend.
These changes at work and the fact that I have to call the Jury Duty line twice a day next week is giving me terrible anxiety!! I realized that I work a half hour from the courts and my sub lives a half hour from where I work. If I call at noon and find out if I must report at 1 that doesn't leave me enough time in between. I am not going to be able to do this. I am going to call Monday a.m. and tell them my problem. Only last names A-C have to report then, so I am thinking I would not have to go till Wed. or, Thurs. Yikes!!


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